The Strength to Change service is for men who are concerned about their violence and abuse in their intimate relationships. This initiative is led by NHS Hull and is aimed primarily at enhancing the safety of women and children while giving men an opportunity to change their behaviour.

Who can contact Strength to Change?
• Men who are violent/abusive towards their female partners  and are concerned about their own behaviour
• Professionals who come into contact with men who are  perpetrating domestic violence and want advice
• Domestic violence victims, friends and family members  wanting to find out what help is available for perpetrators.

What can Strength To Change offer professionals?
• We offer advice and best practice about working with  clients who disclose using domestic violence or abuse
• We can explain how our programme works, what’s involved and how our approach is NOT anger management.

What can Strength To Change offer individual men?
One phone call will not bring about lasting behaviour change in an individual. However, contacting the service is the first step to:
• Encouraging and motivating them to stop their violence and abuse.
• Helping them understand how their behaviour affects  their family.
• Telling them about our service and offering an  initial assessment.

What else does Strength To Change offer?
The Strength to Change service welcomes calls from (ex) partners, friends and relatives who are concerned about a perpetrator. The safety of those at risk – usually women and children – is our priority. We will:
• Give callers details about the project.
• Explain who we are, how our programme works, how a man  can access our service and explain that anger management  is not the issue.
• Encourage (ex) partners, friends and relatives to have  realistic expectations about the likelihood of perpetrators  changing their behaviour.

We will also explain about our Family Practitioner service specifically aimed at partners and children of men who are on our programme.

Strength To Change does NOT provide:
• Over the phone counselling
• Crisis intervention
• Couple counselling

Confidentiality Policy
Calls to the Strength to Change service are confidential. We do not use technology to identify callers, listening-in or call recording equipment.